Common Threads Quilters Guild
Newnan, Georgia
Newsletter ~~January 2025
I’m still getting used to writing/typing 2025, but I am definitely ready to kick off a new year of quilting with guild friends. We have lots of fun programs and activities planned for the year ahead.
The next guild meeting will be Thursday, January 16 at 10 a.m. in the teen room on the 2nd floor, with set-up and social time starting at 9:30. We will have a Zoom program by Lilo Bowman (Author, Editor-in-Chief for and current President of SAQA.) The program will be Love your Creative Space--learn to build a creative place that works for you, your space, your budget and where you are right now. Please be on time because we will do the Zoom presentation first, followed by the guild business meeting.
It’s time to renew your CTQG membership for 2025. Dues for 2025 will stay at the same rate, $30 for the year. The membership form is available on the guild website, both on the home page and under “Guild Forms You Might Need.” We will also have forms available at the meeting.
The membership form includes a place for you to list suggestions for programs and workshops that would interest you. Any input would be greatly appreciated as we plan for upcoming meetings and classes. We’d also love to hear about any topic you would be willing to share with the guild as a presentation or demonstration.
The next guild meeting will be Thursday, January 16 at 10 a.m. in the teen room on the 2nd floor, with set-up and social time starting at 9:30. We will have a Zoom program by Lilo Bowman (Author, Editor-in-Chief for and current President of SAQA.) The program will be Love your Creative Space--learn to build a creative place that works for you, your space, your budget and where you are right now. Please be on time because we will do the Zoom presentation first, followed by the guild business meeting.
It’s time to renew your CTQG membership for 2025. Dues for 2025 will stay at the same rate, $30 for the year. The membership form is available on the guild website, both on the home page and under “Guild Forms You Might Need.” We will also have forms available at the meeting.
The membership form includes a place for you to list suggestions for programs and workshops that would interest you. Any input would be greatly appreciated as we plan for upcoming meetings and classes. We’d also love to hear about any topic you would be willing to share with the guild as a presentation or demonstration.
The guild ended 2024 with some very impressive community service totals. We donated 48 baby quilts plus 18 burp cloths to the Pregnancy Center, 13 Fidget Quilts to Benton House, 178 tote bags to the Christmas boxes at Mills Chapel, and 17 lap quilts plus 268 placemats to Meals on Wheels. Our placemat donation even got mentioned in a story in the Newnan Times Herald on December 18.
We will have our first Community Service Sewing Day at the end of this month, January 30, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the gym. Our focus will be on baby quilts, and we will have samples to share at the January meeting
The guild ended 2024 with some very impressive community service totals. We donated 48 baby quilts plus 18 burp cloths to the Pregnancy Center, 13 Fidget Quilts to Benton House, 178 tote bags to the Christmas boxes at Mills Chapel, and 17 lap quilts plus 268 placemats to Meals on Wheels. Our placemat donation even got mentioned in a story in the Newnan Times Herald on December 18.
We will have our first Community Service Sewing Day at the end of this month, January 30, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the gym. Our focus will be on baby quilts, and we will have samples to share at the January meeting
The First Thursday Sewcials started up again on January 2nd with 16 members attending to share information and ideas about Temperature Quilts. Even if you aren’t participating in that challenge, we welcome everyone to attend. The next First Thursday will be February 6 at 10 a.m. in the Sunday School room. It’s the perfect time to get to know other members of the guild; it’s also a great opportunity to get advice or help with a project. We often go to lunch afterwards, but you are welcome to bring your lunch or a snack
The First Thursday Sewcials started up again on January 2nd with 16 members attending to share information and ideas about Temperature Quilts. Even if you aren’t participating in that challenge, we welcome everyone to attend. The next First Thursday will be February 6 at 10 a.m. in the Sunday School room. It’s the perfect time to get to know other members of the guild; it’s also a great opportunity to get advice or help with a project. We often go to lunch afterwards, but you are welcome to bring your lunch or a snack
The Sewcialites 2 blocks assigned for the January meeting are #21 and #22. Links for the block patterns have been emailed to members and are also posted on the guild Facebook page. Bring your blocks in to share with the group and be sure to check in with Linda Orizondo to be entered in the prize drawing. There are only two more blocks to go! We will have a final display of quilt tops and/or finished quilts in March, and prizes will be awarded at that meeting.
The Sewcialites 2 blocks assigned for the January meeting are #21 and #22. Links for the block patterns have been emailed to members and are also posted on the guild Facebook page. Bring your blocks in to share with the group and be sure to check in with Linda Orizondo to be entered in the prize drawing. There are only two more blocks to go! We will have a final display of quilt tops and/or finished quilts in March, and prizes will be awarded at that meeting.
The board is considering options for this year’s market, including whether or not we want to continue to participate. We have also discussed the possibility of changing the products sold by the guild to focus on quilts, since we are a quilting guild. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, but if we are going to continue to participate, we need one or two people to head it up.
The board is considering options for this year’s market, including whether or not we want to continue to participate. We have also discussed the possibility of changing the products sold by the guild to focus on quilts, since we are a quilting guild. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, but if we are going to continue to participate, we need one or two people to head it up.
2025 PROGRAMS—a preview of plans and ideas for this year
February 20, 2025: Taking Care of Yourself while you Quilt
Program by a licensed Physical Therapist to focus on taking care of your neck, shoulder, wrists and back while you are sewing.
March 20, 2025: UFO’s - Guild participation program to last throughout the year to help us all get some of our UFO’s finished.
Other Programs being considered for 2025:
Collage Program and/or Workshop
Connie Cameron (speaker last summer) for a workshop in the spring.
Ice dyeing workshop for the spring or early summer
Quilt Camp - for all of us to share our talents and learn new techniques from each other
…and several more fun things that we are researching, but don’t have commitments or timeframe for you yet.
The guild website is a wealth of information. You can find details about activities and events. Check out the photos tab for pictures from previous events, meetings, and programs.
February 20, 2025: Taking Care of Yourself while you Quilt
Program by a licensed Physical Therapist to focus on taking care of your neck, shoulder, wrists and back while you are sewing.
March 20, 2025: UFO’s - Guild participation program to last throughout the year to help us all get some of our UFO’s finished.
Other Programs being considered for 2025:
Collage Program and/or Workshop
Connie Cameron (speaker last summer) for a workshop in the spring.
Ice dyeing workshop for the spring or early summer
Quilt Camp - for all of us to share our talents and learn new techniques from each other
…and several more fun things that we are researching, but don’t have commitments or timeframe for you yet.
The guild website is a wealth of information. You can find details about activities and events. Check out the photos tab for pictures from previous events, meetings, and programs.
Julie Kennedy
Common Threads Quilters Guild
Meets 3rd Thursday Each Month 10:00 am - Noon Mills Chapel Baptist Church 85 Country Club Road Newnan, GA |
President Julie Kennedy
Membership Elke Powell Secretary Liz Carnahan Treasurer Kris Townsend Davis Programs Theresa Smith and Jody Watts Programs Elect Open Community Service Nancy Matheson Ways & Means Theresa Bush Special Events Molly Dillard Christmas Fair Open Website/Media Judy Daymont and Mandy Robinson Facebook Martha Walker Block of the Month Julie Kennedy, Linda Orizondo |
Upcoming Events:
Exhibits at the Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum, Carrollton, GA
Bulloch Hall Quilt Guild Show
Start 03/14/2025 End 03/23/2025 Location: Bulloch Hall, 180 Bulloch Ave, Roswell, GA 30075 The Bulloch Hall Quilt Guild is ON for 2025!! The guild will be hosting the 39th Great American Cover-Up Quilt Show weekends March 14 - 16 and March 21 - 23, 2025 at Bulloch Hall, in Roswell, GA. |