Fifth Thursday Sewing for 2024
February 29 - Baby Quilts
We had 12 people in attendance for our Baby Quilt 5th Thursday Sewing in February. Many quilts were started and taken home to be completed. May 23 - Fidget Quilts - We had a great time sewing FIDGET QUILTS together. 4 Fidget quilts were completed with several in progress. There are a lot of fun Fidget items that Bonnie has on hand if you want to make a Fidget Quilt. They do not have to be very large. Just big enough to sit on your lap with textural items to "fidget" with. They do need to be sewn on very well. Oct 24 - Lap Quilts and/or placemats for MOW
We made 66 placemats. Great job!! This brings a total so far to 107 placemats. Our goal is 250 placemats to be able to donate to Meals of Wheels. If everyone would make (3) more by our December meeting, we can make the goal? Bonnie will be taking the mats to Meals on Wheels on the 13th. Our Final Donation Count for 2024
Thank you for all your help and hard work. We are making a difference in our community. We were mentioned in the local paper. |
Leap Year Baby Quilt Pattern
See Bonnie Hoffman or Judy Daymont with any questions
Aug 29 - We had a great time sewing Library Bags for Operation Christmas Child an organization that Mills Chapel supports. We made 117 bags so far. Please continue to sew as you can. We will let you know when we have to have them all turned into to the church.
UPDATE: We have completed 176 as of Oct. Please turn your completed bags in by Nov 20th. The church has invited any of us to come and help pack the boxes for Operation Christmas Child on Nov 24th. |